About Grace


“Grace is beautifully authentic. I trusted her immediately.”


Hello Friends,

I’m Grace, and a big warm welcome!

I’m a yoga teacher trainer, yoga teacher and educator based in Dublin, and more often found online of late. Passionate about empowering and emboldening the students with whom I work, my main work within the yoga sphere currently is in training yin yoga teachers, and bringing critical thinking, teacher self-reflection, and personal growth into the journey of transformation.

My teaching experience over the last 12 years spans primary school music classrooms, French university lecture theatres, many yoga studios, and the Irish secondary school context. I am currently on career break from Mount Anville Secondary School where I teach French, Music and Philosophy, and work closely with newly qualified teachers. My journey into the world of yoga teacher education was a natural and fitting evolution.

Schools desperately need some introspection and somatic practices, and teachers some help with their inner worlds and self-regulation. The yoga world could perhaps do with more discernment, accountability and quality control, and its teachers require support, ongoing mentoring and coaching as they embark on their path.

On the bridge between worlds I overspill?

This is where both I and my work reside.

To have a firm persuasion in our work - to feel that what we do is right for ourselves and good for the world at exactly the same time - is one of the great triumphs of human existence.
— David Whyte

My ultimate goal is to one day be no longer necessary to my students’ growth - I want to create empowered teachers and self-reflective practitioners who fully embody the position they hold with grace and wisdom and gentle strength.

Real, honest, clear, passionate, and unfiltered.

I’m direct. I get right to the point and like to pierce through the nonsense to get to the truth at the core of the matter. I take people on a journey if they are willing to come along with me. And I see yin yoga as a practice that goes so much more beyond the scope of yoga: It is ultimately a practice that holds the key to a fuller embodiment in this life. I hold the space, and I keep it uncluttered so that your unique experience is always at the heart of the experience, and not my words.

Razor sharp clarity, profound kindness and great humour. A passionate educator with an artistic sensibility.

Compassion for ourselves is always centre-stage, but so too are accountability and discernment. Great teaching should encourage critical thinking as much as it should facilitate deeper awareness and self-reflection. I will ask you to bring your full self into the experience and into the process. I believe that yin yoga teacher training will truly transform the way that you teach, and therefore at times the teaching will trigger. That’s how you know you’re learning. I don’t think it’s possible to be an effective teacher and please everyone all the time. If your concern is to be liked or praised, there’s a very good chance you will never teach anything of real value.

Critical thinker and questioner.

Continual learning, inner work, and teaching only what I have come to know within my own experience; these are the cornerstones of my teaching and practice; one can only hold space as a teacher when in humble acceptance of just how little we can truly 'know' for sure. 

A strength of presence that holds an incredibly powerful space for others’ healing journey.


Random Info

You know, I really struggle with writing bios. I tend to procrastinate and then outsource… hence why I had to reach out to my students to get their help above! ;-) A deep thinker at heart, I had to learn to come home to my body. I will forever be grateful to yoga and meditation for taking me there.

I am ridiculously analytical. But it’s a need to leave no stone unturned in my research that makes me a better teacher, even if it risks driving me crazy in the process :-) I guess it ultimately allows me to envision and thoroughly organise what I am teaching, and then consider the how, the why and the how.

I love poetry and find great solace in the words of David Whyte. If you join me for yin you will likely hear some of them sooner or later. I completed his leadership course last year and it was beyond powerful.

I don’t think there’s anywhere else I feel more at home than at the piano - where words fail, music speaks. It’s an important creative outlet for me. That and The Artist’s Way and journalling.

Bikram is my yang yoga practice of choice. You might find that surprising, perhaps at the other end of the spectrum to yin? But actually, the two practices are more alike than you’d think. Both of them are confronting, unapologetically so. I love the efficacy of practices that just go straight to the heart. And I learned how to witness myself in my struggles in that mirror in the hot room long before I ever knew what yin yoga even was. It was the most excellent preparation for the deep diving and inner work that yin was going to present to me.

I may be slightly addicted to buying books. I am most definitely addicted to signing up to trainings. And I’m mad, and I really mean mad into anything related to personality types, personal development, astrology, Tarot, so for anyone who cares, here you go:

INFJ - Guaranteed to spot the elephant in the room and be compelled to talk about it. Enneagram 8 - The Challenger (Intimate subtype: interestingly, the subtype which most commonly misidentifies as a 4 - I was initially devastated as I really wanted to be a 4 ;-), but it makes sense - All. the. probing. questions. all. the. time. Great Teacher or Coach? For me they’re one and the same. 1/3 Generator in Human Design (Investigator - Martyr: all those who speak without having done the research, completed the qualifications, and experienced it for yourselves in your own bodies, I spot you a mile away, and don’t you know it! :-)

Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Ascendant - most definitely a seeker and prober.

What’s the line you don’t want to write? What’s on the other side of the question you’re afraid to ask?

Take your well-disciplined strengths and stretch them between two opposing poles.
Because inside human beings is where God learns.
— Rainer Maria Rilke

What’s absolutely certain is that I am teaching what I’m still learning as a fellow traveller on the path. Unlearning and peeling away rather than adding, and slowly trusting in my body’s intuition and instincts. One of the greatest gifts a yoga teacher can give students is the ability to sense their own bodies. In this wellbeing world, in order to ‘be well’, we first have to ‘be’, and to come to know that untainted presence within us all. Self-inquiry is at the core of teacher development. Until teachers know who they are, they cannot help others come to that place of knowing within themselves.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T. S. Eliot

 Yin with Grace Gallery