Fallen from Grace - Reluctant Conversations
Fallen From Grace - Reluctant Conversations
The title "Fallen from Grace" landed in a lockdown meditation. My producer Paul added 'Reluctant Conversations'. And that's very much what is at the heart of the podcast.
Reluctance, resistance, that deep knowing we would rather not have that there's a conversation you're not having - either with yourself, or with another. And well, what do we do with those unspoken words? Because they hardly just find a way to dissolve into nothingness. At least, that's not how I have ever experienced it.
Some of my own unspoken conversations in the past have led to anxiety, recurring throat infections (what are you not saying? or what are you unable to swallow?) and general dissatisfaction, further driving home the realisation at the origin of the podcast, and the compulsion to create a space where we could meet it head-on.
Season 1 is available on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
"You don't get to choose whether or not you have the conversation. You only get to choose whether or not you verbalise it.
The unspoken conversation lease a life all of its own inside you, leaving an imprint on our bodies and psyches in ways we will likely never understand."
— Grace Tempany, Founder of ISFYT, Podcast Creator of Fallen from Grace