The Integration Space
Your Soul FYTness Home
The Integration Space - Your Soul FYTness Home
Join us if
You feel utterly exhausted much of the time, and crave deep rest. Welcome! And we hear you.
You have heard other Yinto Your PJs yogis speak about the amazing sleep after practice, and you want some of that. Welcome! And you’re in the right place.
You want more from your yoga practice - more depth, more insight, greater guidance, better questions? Welcome! You’ll feel right at home.
You hear lots of talk about nervous systems and trauma in the body, you’re curious as to the link to yoga, and you feel like yin might bring you some regulation for the former, and insight to the latter? Welcome! You’re amongst friends.
You need an on-demand situation because you have little free time in the week, and never at the same time each week? You need to be able to access recordings for a decent amount of time, and 30 days is absolutely perfect? Welcome! We cater for your schedule.
You want a membership that offers some variety, but still focuses on yin as its principle niche. You have tried other styles and practices, but it’s yin that stuck with you, and you’re sticking with it, for better or worse. Welcome! We are likely to be a yin-dominant membership for a while - it’s absolutely where the magic of integration takes place, in our opinion. So if yin’s your thing, well we can’t think of a better fyt for you!
The Integration Space is your personal yoga practice altar.
It is a place for you to develop your yoga practice and give yourself space for greater self-connection. We call it integration, and it’s really what we’re all about.
This membership enables you to access your own personally-tailored Integration space, where not just your yoga and meditation needs are included, but the journey of embodied integration is centre-stage. This is holistic health, innercise as well as exercise. Maybe it’s the equivalent of the gym for your inner fytness.
At ISFYT we like to go way beyond skin deep - this is healing from the inside out.
Get Access to
Weekly Yin Yoga Practice
Deep Dive Workshops (bi-monthly)
Myofascial Release (MFR)
Myo-Yin (a combination of MFR & Yin)
Yoga nidrā
In short, all of the most effective practices for nervous system care, and somatic self-regulation
What’s the commitment? None - you only commit to what you feel is serving you. There is no contract, no minimum commitment or duration of membership. A rolling contract starts whatever date of the month you sign up, and you will be charged monthly until such time as you cancel.
ISFYT does recommend that you commit to a regular practice for at least 3 months so that you give it a chance. It is extremely difficult to establish any shift at all in less time; this is slow work (the only real and lasting kind, maybe?). We will do our absolute best to guide you and hold a space of integrity for your own practice and process, but you must also do the work and show up for your practice.
Your practice will become a most faithful soul companion. With practice, you will:
become better at feeling your body
feel a sense of ease
breathe more easily
experience better sleep, consistently
learn to slow down and rest
find some space between your busy thoughts
develop increased discernment
have more emotional intelligence
grow in self-awareness
have more capacity for self-regulation
benefit from increased resilience and a wider window of tolerance
What makes The Integration Space different to other yoga memberships?
Live content - Many yoga memberships only offer pre-recorded classes. The Integration Space prioritises community and the experience of practising together on Monday nights for Yinto Your PJs. It won’t suit everyone, but it’s an important feature. And for those who prefer to practise solely on their own, you have immediate access to the library of classes.
The emphasis on the ongoing integration process - The Integration Space is a bit like Ronseal really. We look after all of you. Here, we hold a safe space. All your parts are welcome - even the parts that you find it hard to welcome yourself. They’re especially welcome, actually. This is healing from the (y)inside out.
The variety of offerings to suit your availability and convenience.
Our care for standards in terms of teaching. At ISFYT, we see teaching as an art to master. We are continually honing our craft so that our teaching can help your inner teacher to emerge. Our ultimate goal is not for you to depend on us, but for you to find your own wings, learn to feel and trust them, and become empowered to use them. If that means you fly away elsewhere, so be it. We have no desire to co-create dependency or unhealthy boundaries in any way. We aspire to embody rational authority, and nothing less.
“Rational authority is based on competence, and it helps the person who leans on it to grow. Irrational authority is based on power, and serves to exploit the person subjected to it” Erich Fromm
Practise with ISFYT at Home
The Integration Space
Join The Integration Space membership and find your tribe.
Self-care becomes soul-care with your commitment to your personal practice.
Includes live & 30 day recording access to:
Yinto Your PJs
Seasonal Workshops
Myofascial Release
Yoga Nidrā
Nervous System Reset
€49 Monthly. No Contract
“My first introduction to Yin was with Grace. I was blown away by it. I couldn’t put my finger on why but I know I left wanting more. I was looking for a Yoga practice (I’ve tried many!) to help me with flexibility - running is my sport and I’m tight everywhere). I also wanted to slow down, get quiet, tune in, and allow my body to talk & guide me.
I can say I’m on to something with Yin (and Grace). 10 weeks in and I’m relishing every single bit of this journey. Getting to know my edge, experiencing sensation and knowing how to soften has opened me up to something very lovely, on the mat and beyond.
Grace is beautifully authentic. I trusted her immediately. She really brings herself into the room - virtually, of course - and has a captivating presence. She teaches from a place of utter respect and compassion. She is so knowledgeable, full of wisdom and has an intelligent delivery. She effortlessly holds a space where I am learning (work in progress) to more deeply trust my body and to access a stillness that I've been craving.
I would never have believed for a minute that Zoom would allow for this depth of experience. Facilitating something so profound online is a true testament to how gifted Grace is. I don’t feel that I would have gained more in the studio . She just has what it takes and what I need and want in a teacher. I would recommend Grace's teaching to anyone. I definitely want more! Thank you Grace x”
“Hi Grace,
I just wanted to let you know that I practised your yin class last night and it was heavenly. The lights were dimmed, PJs put on, the rain outside coming down, some music and lots and lots of props. I'm sure you've maybe heard similar comments but for me I felt incredibly looked after. Comforted. Safe and secure and held. I'm not sure how else to describe what I felt but it was incredibly comforting and exactly what I needed. I did struggle to keep myself content after 60 mins as my body just wanted to move and my mind came back into action but I expect with practice that gets easier.
Just wanted to let you know how fabulous this was, as I think often our teachers don't get feedback and it's so valuable”
“Your influence on my life and the impact of your yin teaching and the way you teach changed me - I just want you to know how grateful I am”
-Sara, Saudi Arabia. Art of Yin Graduate.