Yoga Therapy

Art of Yin (100hr) + Art of Yang (100hr) = 200 Hour Yoga Therapy

In person (or Yin Online) Teacher Training

The very first 200hr functional yoga teacher training to devote equal importance to stillness YIN and movement YANG. This is a leading-edge offering by Grace Tempany, bridging the worlds of education, yoga and therapy.

Yang yoga therapy (hatha, vinyasa, Paul Grilley’s functional yang flows, and myofascial release), functional teaching skills, yin yoga and somatic self-inquiry, underpinned by the soundest pedagogical and trauma-informed foundations.

This teacher training journey will empower you to bring greater awareness to your practice, and infinite depths to your teaching.

  • This is your foundation training to begin your yoga teaching career. it is composed of 2 x 100 Hr modules: The Art of Yin and The Art of Yang.

  • Combining the best of in person and online learning, this course is designed to work around your life. If you cannot make yin in person in January, you can join the online container dates instead.

  • Pay in full by November 11th to get our early bird saving of £300 (£2695, £2995 after 11/11). Reach out to talk about payments plans - we want to work with you and will do our very best to meet you where you are able to meet us.

Yoga Therapy is for you if you are interested in guiding students out of their heads and into their feelings. We’re not asking students to pull shapes but to feel the pose. Feeling over form, always. Catering for different biologies and biographies, this is inclusive and person-centered yoga.

In order for yoga to be therapy, it must be individually tailored. This is important and rewarding work termed introspective awareness. The surprising benefit is that it is a double edged sword; Functional teaching benefits your own practice and self-inquiry journey as much as it helps you become a better teacher.


“Teach what is appropriate for each individual.”

Bernie Clark

“We don’t use the body to get into a pose. We use the pose to get into the body.”


200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training

Hybrid Model in Person + Online: January-May, 2023
YIN 100 Hr + YANG 100 Hr 
Bookings open now!


What is it?

Yoga Therapy is an individually tailored use of the techniques of yoga to foster greater mind-body-soul awareness, somatic integration, and radical self-empowerment.

Who is it for?

This 200 hour yoga training is for all those yoga students who came to yoga first and foremost for its therapeutic benefits. It is for those who hold a vision for a more inclusive way of practising and teaching. And it is for those who know deep down in their souls that a far more accessible teaching path exists.

Functional first and foremost, the training is designed to equip its graduates with a complete understanding and integration of person-centred teaching, as well as the skills to facilitate this kind of practice and inquiry in others.

What will you learn?


All yin poses for lower and upper body are covered in our live online yin training, held in three parts. We explore the meridian model and acupressure, meditation through a more yin lens, shadow-work, somatic self-Inquiry practices, and trauma-informed yoga teaching. The functional teaching of Paul Grilley is presented and understood within a broader 'no universal alignment' framework.

** This module can also be completed separately as The Art of Yin.


Applied Yang Yoga Therapeutics and Teaching Skills

Across the yang training in person, we trace the evolution of yoga asana as therapy from the roots of yoga asana to current practice. Students will be taught a variety of hatha poses through a target area lens, with suggested verbal cueing (contraction over alignment) to maximise student autonomy and teacher confidence. We will also look at classical sun salutations, as well as some flows inspired by Paul Grilley and the powerful practice myofascial release. In order to balance the more yang focus of the second 100hour module, iRest Yoga Nidra is also included.

To summarise: Yin & iRest Yoga Nidra, & a deeply functional method of teaching hatha, vinyasa, and myofascial release will complete your skillset by the time we come to the end of the training together.

** 100Hr Art of Yin Graduates can complete this Training to upgrade to a 200hour Yoga Therapy Certificate with Yoga Alliance Professionals.


Module I - 100 Hours



  • Lower and Upper Body Yin Poses

  • Meridian Theory

  • Yin & Yang Meditation

  • Somatic Self-Yinquiry and Yin Yoga as the OG Yoga Therapy

  • Trauma-Informed Practice and Teaching

and much, much more.

You can read all about the yin curriculum here should you be interested in taking this module on its own as a 100hr Art of Yin Certificate.

Module I I- 100 Hours



  • Functional Hatha Poses and Applied Anatomy (Target Area Analysis & Pose Purpose Breakdown)

  • Sun Salutations

  • 14/10/7 Paul Grilley’s Yang Archetypes & Yang Flows

  • Myofascial Release & Myo-Yin

  • Verbal Cueing & Functional Teaching Skills

  • iRest Yoga Nidra


Yoga Therapy 200Hr Yoga Teacher Training

FLEXIBLE STUDY MODEL - Choose between yin in person or yin online to suit your needs.


Option A: Yin In Person

6-15 January in Colektiv Yoga, Holywood, Northern Ireland. Exact times TBC.

Option B: Yin Online

Part I: Feb 3-6: 8:30am to 3:30pm

Part II: March 16-19: 8:30am to 3:30pm

Part III: April 7-11: 8:30am to 3:30pm, and April 18 & 25 from 7-10pm

MODULE II - YANG - In Person

11-14 May & 25-28 May in Colektiv Yoga, Holywood, Northern ireland.


Early Bird: £2695 (book and pay in full by 11th November)

Taught by Grace Tempany, MA, Senior Yoga Teacher, Trainer Pro & Approved Mentor.

Still curious? No problem, click below to book a discovery call with Grace, and bring all your questions.

All graduates will be awarded a 200hour Yoga Alliance Professionals YOGA TEACHER Stamped Certificate.

Click to book with the Early Bird price of £2695, price goes up to £2995 after November 11th.


Hi, I’m Grace. My work is to guide and gently question as I help you find your own teaching voice. Integrity first and foremost. Connection. Growth. Honesty always - even when it’s uncomfortable. Discernment and self-reflection. 

My ultimate goal is to be, one day, no longer necessary to my students’ growth - I want to train boldly empowered teachers and self-reflective practitioners who fully embody the space they hold with grace and wisdom and gentle strength.

A seeker, teacher, mentor, trainer and first and foremost, a fellow traveller on this path, I am honoured to facilitate this teacher training and inner teacher unveiling with you. 

“Yoga therapy is that facet of the ancient science of Yoga that focuses on health and wellness at all levels of the person: physical, psychological, and spiritual. Yoga therapy focuses on the path of Yoga as a healing journey that brings balance to the body and mind through an experiential understanding of the primary intention of Yoga: awakening of Spirit, our essential nature.

— Joseph LePage

Yin Yoga Therapy Meditation
You cannot heal what is causing imbalance if you don’t stay still long enough to find it, and open up the line of interoceptive inquiry to find the message at its often messy core.
— Grace Tempany


I am looking for a career change and would like to teach yoga. Is Yoga Therapy right for me?

It’s an excellent start. It will offer you a firm foundation in practising and teaching both stillness and movement through a feeling-based lens. It is a sound foundation upon which you will continue to build.

Can I start teaching once I have completed the course?

Yes. The school and its trainings are accredited with Yoga Alliance Professionals. You can register with them as a 200hour RYT upon completion of the training, and then once insured you can start teaching.

I have a couple of other certificates, do these count towards my 200 hours?

No. This Yoga Therapy TT is its own entity. However, should you already have completed the 100hour Art of Yin training with me, you are welcome to complete the 100hour Applied Yang Therapeutics module in order to gain the 200hour Yoga Therapy YTT certification.

Are there exams? Or what are the assessments like?

The yin module is ‘assessed’ through teaching practice and a final 2 page report on an aspect of the training that resonated deeply with you personally. The yang module is more applied skills focused, but it will still have a small assessment piece - mostly teaching practice/teaching language focused.

How much does anatomy matter in this course?

The anatomy you are taught is functional and target area focused. Essentially, it is variable. You will learn that we are not all carbon copies skeletally. The approach to the teaching of anatomy can be summed up by Paul Grilley:

“When you learn to see the body as 14 skeletal segments. being moved by 10 myofascial groups, you will be able to skillfully adapt the 7 archetypal poses to suit the skeletability and flexibility of each individual student”

How is Yoga Therapy different to most other 200 hrs certifications?

This 200hour is functional first and foremost. “If you’re feeling it, you’re doing it” - everything we teach comes down to this. Functional Teaching means teaching to the individual, teaching to feeling over form. This can be a departure from most rigid, universal alignment teachings, but nearly all students resonate hugely with this approach within their own experience, and speak to feeling much more confident in their teaching post-training.

How much does therapy play a role?

We can say that functional yoga and yoga therapy have the same roots - Krishnamacharya’s “teach what is appropriate to the individual” is what inspired the branch of study known as yoga therapy today. As a field I think it has become very focused on the physiological. ISOYT aspires to bring the emotional and psychological more to the fore. We speak a lot in yoga about transformation, but we cannot change anything we do not first accept. Self-inquiry and inner work are cornerstones of this training. You are supported to engage in your own personal journey as you embark on and proceed through the training. This training is in no way a replacement for personal therapy, but I can say with certainty that it is a hugely complementary somatic addition.

What does it mean to be a Functional Teacher?

To be a functional teacher is to teach to feeling, teach to the individual, to teach through a therapeutic and trauma-centred lens. To be a functional teacher is to embrace your personal practice as your own greatest teacher, and to confidently yet humbly guide your students to connect on a much deeper level with themselves and those around them.

How can you teach to the individual when you have 15 students in a room?

A lot comes down to your skillset, and language is by far the most important of these teaching skills. We can never know for sure what our students are experiencing, but we can help them become empowered practitioners with our cues to feeling and excellent questions.

*for more FAQS, click on the YIN Yoga Training page and scroll to the bottom.