The Art of Yin
100 Hour Teacher Training Online
The Art of Yin is the only 100 Hour Functional Yin Yoga Teacher Training entirely facilitated by a Senior Teacher & Trainer Pro with Yoga Alliance Professionals.
The Art of Yin is for anybody who has ever felt confined within or frustrated by the excessive aesthetic focus that dominates much of the modern yoga world. It is for yoga instructors who are called to better serve their students, uplevel their teaching skills, and learn how to embody and transmit the yin practice from a grounded self-awareness.
World-class teaching is much more than delivering content. Great teachers embrace their personal practice and their inner landscape, and understand the value of great questions - when they’re asking them, and when they’re contemplating them. This is the true integrity of masterful teaching and space-holding. Great teaching can be encouraged through self-reflection and meditation, and ultimately is dependent on how willing you are to meet your whole self; no striving, no holding back.
“Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher.” - Parker Palmer
My work is to help yoga practitioners and instructors develop a more embodied connection to their bodies and minds and to reinstate critical thinking, discernment and self-inquiry as the heart and core integrity of each teacher’s personal and professional development.
Those I teach, mentor and guide, are on a path to uncovering their own inner teacher. They embrace their inner work as a pre-requisite for holding masterful space, and are already courageously and whole-heartedly walking along their own individual path.
Are you a yin yoga student who wants to teach?
Or a yoga instructor who aspires to be a brilliant yoga teacher?
Or a curious seeker who knows embodiment is where true growth lies?
“I have loved, loved, loved my Yin training. Best yoga training I have done in my 24 years of studying and practising yoga”
— Sharon O’ Sullivan, Cornwall, UK.
Physiotherapist & Art of Yin Graduate, Spring 2022.
100 Hour Certificate
Teachers who have completed all three Parts of the Art of Yin will be awarded a 100 Hour certificate with Yoga Alliance Professionals, where you will form part of a select group of exceptionally well-educated yin teachers.
All new students to the Art of Yin in 2023 must complete all three Parts of the 100 Hour teacher training.
Exception: Anyone who has already completed Part I, or Parts I & II, prior to January 2023, can continue their journey to 100 hours (dates opposite & packages outlined below). Note that there will only be very limited spaces as priority will go to those completing the 100hour journey.
Parts II & III (70 hours): €1256 (Deep Dive) or €1556 (Premium)
Part III (40 hours): €718 (Deep Dive) or €1018 (Premium)
To book either the 70hour or 40hour training, please send an email to hello@gracetempany.com. When bookings are complete for the 100 hour graduates, I will let you know if space is available.
2023 Online Dates
The Art of Yin is a 4-month container from January to April.
Part I: Friday February 3rd to Monday 6th, 8:30-3:30pm daily. Monday 6th = bank holiday.
Part II: Thursday March 16th to Sunday 19th, 8:30-3:30pm daily. Friday 17th = bank holiday.
Part III: Friday April 7th to Tuesday 11th, 8:30-3:30pm daily. Monday 9th = bank holiday), and two Tuesday evenings, April 18th and 25th from 7-10pm.
All manuals, copies of the Powerpoint notes, and supplementary learning materials are posted to your home, so that you can make them as personal to your own learning journey as possible.
Fees- Available Packages
1- Basic - €1595
2- Deep Dive - €1795 (highly recommended)
3- Premium - €2095
All Teacher Training packages can be designed to suit your needs. Payment plans are available. Please email us if you would like to discuss how this can work for you.
1- Basic
1> The Art of Yin Teacher Training
2> Teaching manuals and notes
Payment options:
1 Payment of €1595 or
5 Instalments of €340 = €1700
2. Deep Dive***
*Our most popular package*
1> The Art of Yin Teacher Training
2> Teaching manuals and notes
3> "Yinto Your PJs" weekly practices and monthly workshops between January and April 2023. (Value of €392)
Payment options:
1 Payment of €1795 or
5 Instalments of €380 = €1900
3. Premium
Only 5 spots remaining.
1> The Art of Yin Teacher Training
2> Teaching manuals and notes
3> "Yinto Your PJs" weekly practices and monthly workshops between January and April 2023. (Value of €392)
4> 2 x 75-minute personalised mentoring and feedback session with Grace. (Value of €625)
Payment options:
1 Payment of €2095 or
5 Instalments of €440 = €2200
The Curriculum:
30 Hour Art of Yin Yoga Training,
Philosophy, Vision and Core Tenets of the Yin Practice,
Function or Aesthetics: The Unlearning begins,
Asana Lab: Lower Body Yin Poses and Functional Prop Usage,
Hip Anatomy: The Functional Approach – Anatomy and Skeletal Variation,
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Lower Body Meridian & Target Area Mapping,
Rebound: Our essential component in tying the energetic and emotional bodies together,
Exploring the Mind – Considering the value of a yin approach to meditation,
The Teaching of Yin in Specific Contexts,
Yin Teaching Skills: Exploring Potential Challenges & What it means to be a teacher,
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice.
30 Hour Art of Yin Yoga Training,
Consolidating the Functional Approach to the teaching of Yin,
Asana Lab: Upper Body Yin Poses and Functional Prop Usage,
Shoulder Anatomy: The Functional Approach – Anatomy and Skeletal Variation,
TCM: Upper Body Meridian & Target Area Mapping,
Rebound Considerations 101 - Melting Heart Explorations,
Acupressure for greater feeling and emotional healing,
Meditation – Tuning into the witness,
Self-Inquiry: Introducing the Shadow: Yin & Jung,
Yin Teaching Skills: Target Area Consolidation & Verbal Cueing,
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice.
40 Hour Art of Yin Yoga Training,
14-10-7 and Paul Grilley’s Functional Yoga Sutras,
Asana Lab: Poses for the Spine,
Spine Anatomy: The Functional Approach - Anatomy and Skeletal Variation,
TCM: Governor & Conception Vessels, Taoist Inner Alchemy Practices & Chakra Psychology,
Yinteroception, Somatics & The Wisdom of Rebound,
Meditation - Vipassana & Chakra Meditation,
Are you Trauma-Yinformed? Yin as the Gateway Practice to Embodied Healing,
Self-Inquiry with Internal Family Systems: Greater than the sum of our parts,
Yin Teaching Skills: The Inner Teacher & Refining Teacher Voice,
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice.
Who is your teacher?
My work is to guide and gently question as I help you find your own teaching voice. Integrity first and foremost. Connection. Growth. Honesty always - even when it’s uncomfortable. Discernment and self-reflection.
My ultimate goal is to be, one day, no longer necessary to my students’ growth - I want to train boldly empowered teachers and self-reflective practitioners who fully embody the space they hold with grace and wisdom and gentle strength.
A teacher, mentor, teacher trainer and fellow traveller on this path, I am honoured to facilitate this Art of Yin teacher training and inner teacher unveiling with you.
Book Your Teacher Training with Grace
Grace Tempany is a Senior Teacher & Trainer Pro with Yoga Alliance Professionals
Is the Art of Yin Teacher Training for you?
Absolutely yes, if:
You wish to befriend your inner landscape and learn how to listen to the wisdom of your body;
You’d like to bring the Art of Yin practice into your healing and growth;
You are curious about the clear simplicity of the functional (as opposed to aesthetic) approach to teaching yoga (The teaching of Paul Grilley, founder of the Art of Yin Practice)
You are seeking teacher training that prioritises personal practice;
You are ready to come to know your whole self on a more intimate level;
You welcome questions to guide your journey;
You aspire to learn the skills to be a more impactful yoga teacher of all styles, and not just yin;
You are willing to step outside your comfort zone and explore new territory;
You embrace the (minimal) additional reading, practice and homework completion that are part of this training (not excessive: I estimate homework across all three parts would be 10 hours max).
Maybe not right now, if:
You are looking for an add-on to add to what you offer, and you see yin yoga as a nice way to have a ‘break’ from teaching vinyasa or hatha;
You are not particularly open to engaging in self-reflection;
You do not feel that you do not need to receive feedback on your teaching;
Your regular personal yin practice does not have some place in your schedule, and value in your life;
You have a tendency to avoid discomfort, and are not open to looking at that avoidance and leaning into it;
You don’t appreciate questions as teaching tools;
You do not really value the art of teaching as a craft to master.
I’m so yinterested, but I don’t teach yoga currently. Can I sign up?
Absolutely. This is not a problem for committed practitioners. On nearly every training I have run there have been participants who did not desire to teach. Some do change their mind throughout the course of the training, but many are content to be immersing themselves in the practice they love, and they embark on the journey for the contemplative opportunities and practices that the training provides. If you have questions or doubts, why not book in for a (zero obligation!) chat and you can run your concerns by me? I have no interest in working with people who are not aligned with the energy and vision of the teachings, so you don’t about to worry about being signed up to something for which you are not a good fit.
Do I need to have completed a 200-hour general yoga training when I enrol?
Not at all. Even if he majority of people who sign up may have done some kind of yoga training, because I prioritise everyones’ personal yin practice and teaching practice, each teacher leaves with a much stronger connection to their bodies, irrespective of their former training. The Art of Yin involves a fair amount of unlearning, and that is the common denominator irrespective of how much training you have completed prior. All real learning starts with embracing your ‘tabula rasa - beginner’s mind’, and calling on your discernment as you progress through the content, practices and teachings.
However, should you be interested in completing a 200-hour yoga training, you might be interested in my Yoga Therapy programme. It is designed to extend beyond the 100-hour Art of Yin training, and help you take your learnings and apply them to the ‘yang’ practices. If you want to teach hatha or vinyasa through a functional lens, learn more about myofascial release, experience the powerful energetic yang flows created by Paul Grilley, and sink deep into iRest yoga nidra, then you might be drawn to the complete Yoga Therapy training.
The best of all is that the 200hour can be completed as an immersion, or as two 100hour modules (yin & yang), so you have options which can work around your personal life and your professional needs.
More info on the Yoga Therapy curriculum can be found here.
I cannot make all sessions ‘live’ at the assigned times. Can I still take part?
To maintain the integrity of the training, the intimacy of the space, and the privacy of the trainees, I prefer not to record the Zoom teacher trainings. Therefore attendance ‘live’ is required for all sessions. * It is advisable to commit to the full experience as if you were showing up in person. Because in truth, you are! And I most certainly am. You will have greater opportunities to make connections with your training colleagues, not to mention all the practices and teachings. You will finish by 3:30 pm each day (if in GMT timezone anyway) and will have sufficient breaks and variety so as to ensure maximum learning and embodied enjoyment. It’s very manageable, it really is.
* In some cases I can facilitate a short absence/brief absences to teach a class in the event of being unable to find cover etc. Please email or book a call to run through this with me ahead of the schedule.
How is Part II different to Part I?
To break it down in very simple terms, Part I covers hip anatomy and lower body yin poses while Part II covers shoulder anatomy and upper body yin poses. Part I is lower body meridians while Part II is upper body meridians. Part I provides the thorough grounding in the practice which is essential in order to embody it from a place of integrity. Part II takes you on a journey deeper into meditation, shadow exploration, and finetuning your teaching language. I’d hazard a guess and say the triggers are perhaps more plentiful on Part II, but the yinsights are more frequent ;-) And perhaps the philosophy is that effective teaching should trigger. You do not want to feel indifferent on the other end of a yoga teacher training. Your triggers will become your most potent opportunities for healing and integration.
Speaking of (y)integration, what about Part III?
Well, Part III has a truly beautiful symmetry to it in that it brings to completion the functional approach vision with 14-10-7, Paul Grilley’s Functional Sutras, and the deconstruction of the archetypes. From there we dive into the spine and the Daoist energetic and meditative practices. From rebound to interoception and culminating in the relevance of the deeply feeling yin practice for trauma access and recovery, the final piece of the journey dials up the personal commitment a notch. You are more than ready for it now. The journey deepens from shadow to dissociation, and the magic potency of yin as the ultimate somatic practice of integration is unveiled. By the end of Part III, there is no doubt in your minds, hearts and souls that yoga can be therapeutic. But much more than that, you are likely to leave with the deeply felt sense that yin may just be the original yoga therapy. Practising and mastering trauma-yinformed teaching is where I envision you as you depart.
Who are Yoga Alliance Professionals?
Yoga Alliance Professionals - Peace of Mind!
Yoga Alliance Professionals are a UK-based accreditation body. Choosing the right Teacher Training Course is a big decision. To help give you peace of mind, I have been selected to become a TrainerPro, the new and prestigious trainer level with Yoga Alliance Professionals, who are an independent professional body for Yoga Trainers and Teachers globally.
Being a TrainerPro verifies:
My Training Courses meet the highest standards.
A fully qualified Senior Teacher leads the Courses.
Graduates receive a globally recognised teaching certification.
Can I start teaching yin yoga before I finish up with Part III next April?
This is such a personal and deeply individual question. I encourage all trainees to start teaching as early as possible (family and friends and your other training friends) so as to gain in experience and confidence. It is likely and probably advisable that you make your regular yin practice your main priority for the 4-month duration of the course from start to finish. This will help you get a felt sense of all aspects of the yin practice, and your teaching will be all the better as a result. I would imagine that after a few months, or maybe a summer of rebound (integration time), you might consider adding yin to your offerings in the Autumn of 2023. I can certainly advise more on this as we share the journey together.
What does training with a professionally qualified teacher mean for me as a trainee?
I came to the yoga world from the education world, from teaching French and Music at second-level to teaching yoga, from mentoring newly-qualified teachers to training yoga teachers. In many ways, it’s the professionally trained and experienced teachers who are perhaps best equipped to train yoga teachers. Quite simply, they have the pedagogical skills to do so. There is a deep need for educators in the yoga education world. I have personally struggled in the past to find teacher training offerings that succeeded in marrying the world of the mind and intellect with the world of the wisdom of the body. I really believe it can and should be done, and this is my work with each student who crosses my path.

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