Yin Yoga Teacher Training
A journey through self-discovery to becoming the best teacher you can be.
The core pillars of Grace’s teacher training are a rich personal practice, self-inquiry, and an embracing of constant growth and challenges. These are key elements on the journey to becoming a humble and highly effective teacher.
Do you want to be a great teacher?
The Art of Yin is for anybody who has ever felt frustrated with the excessive aesthetic focus that dominates the yoga world. It is for teachers who want to learn how to transmit yin with an excellent skill-set and deep self-awareness.
Excellent teaching is so much more than delivery of information. Great teachers trust that their presence and carefully chosen words are enough. Great teaching can be encouraged by engaging in inner work and self-development.
I teach to empower. My work is to help yoga practitioners and educators develop a more embodied connection to themselves, provide much-needed feedback, and to reinstate critical thinking, discernment and self-inquiry as the heart and core integrity of each teacher’s personal and professional development.
Those I teach, mentor, and guide, are willing to challenge themselves, understand that their own inner work is a pre-requisite for holding masterful space, and are already walking along their own individual path of self-discovery.
Teachers who have completed all 3 Parts of The Art of Yin will be awarded a 100-Hour certification with Yoga Alliance Professionals, where you will form part of a select group of exceptionally well-educated yin teachers:
30-Hour Yin Yoga Training
Philosophy and Core Tenets of the practice of Yin
Lower Body Yin Poses
Asana Lab: How we use props functionally
Hip Anatomy: The Functional Approach – Anatomy and Skeletal Variation
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – Lower Body Meridian & Target Area Mapping
Rebound: Our key component in tying the energetic and emotional bodies together
Exploring the Mind – Considering the value of a ‘yin’ approach to meditation
Yin Teaching Skills: Challenges particular to the teaching of Yin
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice
30-Hour Yin Yoga Training
Consolidating the Functional Approach to the teaching of Yin
Upper Body Yin Poses
Asana Lab: How we use props functionally
Shoulder Anatomy: The Functional Approach – Anatomy and Skeletal Variation
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Lower Body Meridian & Target Area Mapping
Rebound Considerations 101 - Melting Heart Explorations
Exploring the Mind – Sitting for longer and tuning into the ‘witness’.
Self-Inquiry: Introducing the Shadow. Yin & Jung.
Yin Teaching Skills: a) Target Area Consolidation, b) Verbal Cueing - An essential component of functional teaching online.
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice
40-Hour Yin Yoga Training
14-10-7 and Functional Yoga Sutras
Backbends & Forward Folds
Asana Lab: All about the Spine & Wall Yin
Spine Anatomy: The Functional Approach - Anatomy and Skeletal Variation & Functional Prop Usage
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Governor Vessel & Conception Vessel Meridian & Target Area Mapping, Taoist Microcosmic Orbit
The Wisdom of Rebound: The somatic experience against which we have no defences
Are you a Trauma-Yinformed Teacher? Yin as the Gateway Practice. Embodied Therapy on the Yinside.
Yin Teaching Skills: Connecting with The Inner Teacher & Refining Teacher Voice
Practicum: 1:1 Teaching Practice

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