The Art of Yang
100 Hour Teacher Training
The Art of Yang is your next natural evolution from stillness to movement after the Art of Yin.
Facilitated by Grace Tempany, Senior Teacher & Trainer Pro with Yoga Alliance Professionals, The Art of Yang is the second 100hr module in her 200hr Yoga Therapy Teacher Training.
The Art of Yang brings you from master of yin yoga to master of all yoga.
After we integrate the stillness it is time to apply the individually-tailored and therapeutic principles to movement.
This comprehensive training is designed to meet the very real and contemporary needs of yoga practitioners and those who guide them.
How do I take my Art of Yin knowledge and skills and apply them to hatha, vinyasa, myofascial release?
How do I take what I understand about skeletal variation and individual difference, and make the functional purpose of the pose the bedrock of all my teaching; yin & yang, stillness & movement?
If the above two questions have arisen in your mind, then The Art of Yang is for you.
“I have loved, loved, loved my Yin training. Best yoga training I have done in my 24 years of studying and practising yoga”
— Sharon O’ Sullivan, Cornwall, UK.
Physiotherapist & Art of Yin Graduate, Spring 2022.
100 Hour Certificate
Language is one the most essential, and all too often forgotten, components of effective teacher training. In The Art of Yang training, you will learn how to cue to the physical purpose of the pose, rather than a universally applied and prescribed shape appearance.
We will deconstruct all the ways our teaching language is inherently outcome rather than process focused, and replace it with a set of cues that are infinitely more effective is facilitating greater feeling, self-awareness and integration.
Upon completion of this training, all graduates will feel not only more comfortable, but more empowered and self-assured in their capacity to facilitate effectively individually-tailored and therapeutic yoga practices.
You are only as effective as your ability to guide to sensation.
If you know that yoga is therapy, and want to be sure that each of your unique students gets to feel and experience this under your guidance, then The Art of Yang is for you.
If you love the depth and sensation you can access in your yin practice and teaching, and want to extend this into your other practices, then The Art of Yang is for you.
Upon completion of your 100 hour Art of Yang training, you will be eligible to register with The International School of Yoga Therapy as a graduate of our foundation core offering; a 200hour Yoga Therapy teacher training accredited with Yoga Alliance Professionals. The first of its kind, and a groundbreaking bridge for the functional and yoga therapy fields.
Do you want to be at the cutting-edge intersection between ancient spiritual practices, current research, and the most effective pedagogical underpinnings?
Then I would love nothing more than to have you continue your journey with me.
Investment: €1595
If you would like to discuss a payment plan option, please email hello@gracetempany.com.
2023 In Person Dates
The Art of Yang will be held at Colektiv Yoga in Holywood, Northern Ireland over 8 full days; May 11-14 & 25-28 between 9-6pm. Post-training yintegration workshops will follow, dates TBC.
The Curriculum:
Functional Yang Yoga
Functional Approach: History, Principles & Philosophy extended
Yin Yoga & Yang Yoga - what’s in a definition?
Paul Grilley’s Functional Yoga Sutras & Yang Archetypes
Anatomy: 14-10-7 Model : Extension & Deconstruction
Asana Lab: Application of above model to our hatha practice; to include the original Bikram 26&2 hatha sequence (Bishnu Ghosh origins). This is a starting-point. Other hatha poses will also be considered through a functional lens.
Applied Yoga Therapy
History of Yoga Therapy
Alignment between Functional Yoga & Yoga Therapy worlds
Anatomy: Myofascial Release within the 10 Target Areas
Energetics: Extended upper body explorations through tantric & Taoist lens
Asana Lab: Paul Grilley’s Yang Flows, Myofascial Release, sun salutations and functional vinyasa theory.
Teaching Skills
Functional Cueing: What is the purpose of the pose? Deconstruction of Aesthetic bias in order to Reconstruct a Functional, Feeling-based, and Individually-tailored approach, applicable to all styles.
Teaching Language revisited: The Art of Asking Good Questions to facilitate Self-Inquiry
Target Areas as our Foundation: Where do we go from there? Somatic Layering as an Art Form
Alchemy & Integration
Integration as a Somatic Practice
Yin Yang Jung
iRest Yoga Nidra
Who is your teacher?
My work is to guide and gently question as I help you find your own teaching voice. Integrity first and foremost. Connection. Growth. Honesty always - even when it’s uncomfortable. Discernment and self-reflection.
My ultimate goal is to be, one day, no longer necessary to my students’ growth - I want to train boldly empowered teachers and self-reflective practitioners who fully embody the space they hold with grace and wisdom and gentle strength.
A teacher, mentor, teacher trainer and fellow traveller on this path, I am honoured to be your guide and mentor for the time we spend together. I hope that it will help immensely as you unveil your own inner teacher.
Book Your Teacher Training with Grace
Grace Tempany is a Senior Teacher & Trainer Pro with Yoga Alliance Professionals
Is the Art of Yang Teacher Training for you?
Absolutely yes, if:
You have completed the 100 hour Art of Yin training with Grace, and your practice and teaching haven’t been the same since,
You are a curious being who values ongoing learning opportunities,
You connected deeply with the functional teachings of Paul Grilley presented within The Art of Yin,
And now, you wonder how this all can be applied to hatha, vinyasa, myofascial release, Qi Gong inspired Yang Flows, and more,
You are drawn to the practice of yoga nidra and would also like gain valuable insights as to its inclusion,
You are continuing to learn, realise, and remember the importance of your personal practice, and relish the opportunity to explore individually-tailored and therapeutic principles within it,
You value the depth and breadth of Grace’s experience, her ongoing commitment to her own learning, and the range of teachers and influences she brings to you,
You would like to improve your teaching language, and are looking forward to refining your verbal cues to feeling over form,
You are fascinated by the overlap between yoga therapy and functional yoga worlds, and are excited to develop your practice, theory and skills, to ensure that your students experience ‘yoga therapy’ in your guiding presence,
You wish to be more self-empowered and liberated from the confines of an excessively rigid alignment-based teaching framework. You know that functional, feeling-based practice and teaching is where all connection - with self, and with others - is birthed. And you are inspired to be part of the community of like-minded students and teachers within The International School of Yoga Therapy, where functional yoga reaches the next level.
I have not completed The Art of Yin. Can I just do the Art of Yang module?
There are two ways to do The Art of Yang; as a 100hr training if you have completed The Art of Yin, or by signing up to the 200hr Yoga Therapy training which comprises the yin and yang modules. At this moment in time, there is no plan to offer The Art of Yang beyond current graduates.
However, if you have completed extensive yin training with more than one teacher, and feel that you have sufficient foundational knowledge and skills, you are welcome to get in touch with me and we can have a chat.
What is this ‘yang’ word all about?
So, to oversimplify a bit, if yin is stillness, yang is movement. I use the term ‘yang’ in this module title to refer globally to the assembly of practices that are included: hatha, vinyasa, Paul Grilley’s yang flows, myofascial release. We first master stillness and somatic self-inquiry when we really lean into our yin practice and theory. When we have that down, we can move on to movement.
Is there any recommended reading for The Art of Yang?
You will be provided with a manual, verbal cues, and a clear functional guide for the yang practices that we are looking at. Should you want to do some extra reading in preparation, I can recommend the following. The first 2 on the list would be a good place to start. The last three are dense, and I will present the essentials to you, so only dive in if the desire is strong! :-)
Yin Yoga: Principles and Practice by Paul Grilley
Yoga Body by Mark Singleton
Your Body, Your Yoga
Your Spine, Your Yoga,
Your Upper Body, Your Yoga
(Titles 3-5 by Bernie Clark)Where did The Art of Yang come from?
What was the initial inspiration for The Art of Yang?
At some point on the journey post yin-training, as long as teachers continue to practise and self-reflect, the realisation generally lands that functional yin facilitates not only greater freedom in teaching, but is a far more effective and highly therapeutic avenue towards instilling student self-empowerment. Then the next step is to consider the application to more yang practices.
The Art of Yang was designed with my students in mind. Interestingly, over the last year or so since the first Art of Yin graduates were certified, the feedback has been pretty unanimous; “Grace, the yin is fine. Loving it. The issue is trying to extend my functional awareness beyond my yin teaching. I feel like I’m saying things in my hatha class that I would never say in my yin class…”
Problematic, right?
Enter The Art of Yang. Nobody can practise yin all the time. Nobody can teach yin all the time. The goal is to have some variety with your yoga asana practices., but to make functional yoga teaching and yoga therapy the core underpinnings of them all.
Who are Yoga Alliance Professionals?
Yoga Alliance Professionals - Peace of Mind!
Yoga Alliance Professionals are a UK-based accreditation body. Choosing the right Teacher Training Course is a big decision. To help give you peace of mind, I have been selected to become a TrainerPro, the new and prestigious trainer level with Yoga Alliance Professionals, who are an independent professional body for Yoga Trainers and Teachers globally.
Being a TrainerPro verifies:
My Training Courses meet the highest standards.
A fully qualified Senior Teacher leads the Courses.
Graduates receive a globally recognised teaching certification.
What does training with a professionally qualified teacher mean for me as a trainee?
I came to the yoga world from the education world, from teaching French and Music at second-level to teaching yoga, from mentoring newly-qualified teachers to training yoga teachers. In many ways, it’s the professionally trained and experienced teachers who are perhaps best equipped to train yoga teachers. Quite simply, they have the pedagogical skills to do so. There is a deep need for educators in the yoga education world. I have personally struggled in the past to find teacher training offerings that succeeded in marrying the world of the mind and intellect with the world of the wisdom of the body. I really believe it can and should be done, and this is my work with each student who crosses my path.

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